Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions and Disposals
At some point in the life cycle of a commercial enterprise, the need for an acquisition or a disposal of one or several business units may arise. The business owners may want to release their investment and exit all together or may want to adapt their business in line with their commercial landscape.
In order to keep pace with the competition, it is necessary to acquire a business that will augment the existing commercial structure by offering vertical goods or services through lateral expansion.
Our Corporate advisory team can assist with the investigation of the target acquisition or with preparation of the business for sale.
We recognise that acquiring assets carries with it a strong sense of pride and responsibility. Expansion is, after all, a testament to a corporation’s success.
Asset disposals are very delicate matters which require business leaders to make quick and correct decisions on legal advice that is, timely, concise, accurate and reliable. With this in mind, our multidisciplinary team of solicitors regularly guide clients through the complex questions of tax, pensions, environmental law, regulation and other relevant considerations that a changing corporation must have in mind.